About SSO

About SSO

Waa page loogu talo galay in uu kaabo aradayda Somaaliyeed ee geeska Afrika heerar ka kala duwan ee waxbarashada iskuulka (hoose, dhexe iyo sare), gaar ahaan maadooyinka furaha u ah horumarka waxbarasha sida laqadda English (Ingiriis), Science (Saynis) qaybihiisa kala duwan, Math (Xisaab) iyo ICT (Kumbiyuutar).  


core values

Committed to transformation, Dedication to change, Multi-Geographical Scope, Borderless Connectivity


Exam exellence

 The page will help students’s further learning and high performance in the exams at the end.

Student centered

No time limitation. Learners can organise their time for learning and revision in a way that suits with their study schedule. 

Academic Path

Excellence in math and science exams will help students choose science fields in their pursuit of higher education. 

Online Support

24/7 online support is available for any help request that might be needed by the students.  

school Motto

We provide opportunities to succeed

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